Die Dunkle is a traditional dark beer, with the intense aromas and the deep color of an English stout.
This dark brew has a delicate, roasted caramel malt body and a resiny, herbal hop aroma. A subtle fruity note brings to mind the piquant sweetness of blackcurrants and blackberries.
Goes down like a dark beer, tastes like a stout! Mmmmhhhh…
Spicy, roasted caramel, berry
English hops, resiny, berry
Original gravity::
12,5 °P
5,0 % vol.
I brew Die Dunkle using exclusively regionally producing dark, caramelized and roasted malts.
Tettnanger, Bodensee Region, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Fuggles, Region Kent, UK
Fuggles, Region Kent, UK
I brew Die Dunkle in the Gut Forsting Brewery in Rosenheim County, Germany. For more information about the brewery, visit: www.brauerei-gut-forsting.de